

On Travel: St. Augustine, FL

Founded in 1565, the colonial city of St. Augustine offers a side of U.S. history that I don't often think about....mainly that Europeans (Spanish in this case) were hanging out on these continental states long before the pilgrims put their puritan stamp on U.S. history. While practically a village in terms of size, especially when contrasted with many Latin American colonial cities,  St. Augustine still has all the familiar trappings of it's past: one fort to defend against the enemy and architecture spanning it's more than 400 years of existence. This past continues to draw tourists year round all drawn by a mix of history and a new opportunity to consume as many kitschy things as possible.

Over the weekend, I got to spend a few hours in St. Augustine. I was initially excited remembering a town with far more grandeur than it really has. Despite being slightly thrown off by how many tourists were there on that crowded Sunday, I was able to grab a few shots of the city that I found intriguing. I'm currently going through a phase where I'm in love with various shapes and structures. For example how cool is it that they amped up the whole ball and chain thing with spikes?! Ah - old Europeans certainly had a way with torture!  I'm also hooked on the outdoor design of this Casa Monica Hotel.

*Although considering the main enemy in the early days came from all directions - French by sea, Native Americans by land, and disease by air/sex - this fort may as well have been useless.

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