How was your weekend? Besides a little sickness on Saturday evening and totally missing the Freshlyground concert in D.C. (I didn't even know about it until yesterday which obviously led me straight to tears that I had missed out), I had a pretty relaxed weekend.
I always love starting off the week with great photography and Algerian/Czech photography Nadia Ferroukhi is certainly no disappointment in this department. The first three images here are of her native Algeria and the images below are of women in the village of Tumai in Kenya. (This is a ladies only village.) While the images are quite different, I feel like they capture something very pure in their subjects and brilliantly play with color and dimension. For example, I love how the fabric in the second image feels like part of the building rather than just a piece of cloth out to dry. I have a serious attraction to destroyed buildings (still trying to figure that one out), so you can understand why I love the third image so much. You have this massive building that clearly had better days, and now people just walk by like it's destruction is just a part of the scenery.

These photographs of these women literally had me floored! Besides the regal-ness of it all, I just absolutely love the vibrancy of the colors. In the left picture immediately above, I just love how the woman in her orange wrap completely pops out of her sparse background. It almost feels like she is exiting the picture or as if someone thought that background was too boring and added her in for good measure. The first image of the woman with the baby is just straight royalty. The beads with the stunning wrap...I literally can't get enough of it. Finally, this image below literally made my heart skip a beat. The clear blue sky, white ground and band of stunningly colorful women dividing the two literally left me breathless.

Nadia Ferroukhi has so many more amazing pictures that I hope you can absorb over at her site. Which of these are your favorites? Anything about her style or subjects really make an impression on you?
{Photos from Nadia Ferroukhi website}
That last photo is stunning!!! Wow!
Loving all the new features and patterns and designs. Fab, as always.
We saw Freshlyground at the Moz Jazz Festival last year, and it was incredible. Due to poor publicity, there weren't that many people, and we were literally front row, singing and connecting eyes with the band from the audience. Also, our first dance at our wedding was to Freshlyground - "A Touch in the Night". So sorry you missed it, but am chuffed they are playing in the US!
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