Wow - what a week! It's so change how a change of scenery can be a good thing at times, but also kick you off your game. That's how I have felt throughout this week in Ohio. From food, to blogging to exercise...I just felt a little off. On the other hand, I got to spend time with my mom and aunt, did some digging through old memories and found some hilariously embarrassing pictures from high school and earlier days.
Despite being a little off, I still managed to fit in most of my blog posts including Through the Lens with Viviane Sassen whose images are still at the Danziger Project for those of you in NYC between now and the 10th of April. Flickr Finds Africa featured images of Gabon which I've been fascinated with for a little while now. Tuesday started with some amazing abandoned homes that always gets me excited at all the hidden history and their potential for renovation. Tuesday's Design was all about the Africa Meets Neon series by Irina Graewe who was kind enough to tell us about the inspiration behind this series. On Wednesday, I took a little detour to tell you about bucolic Ohio and Sounds of Africa on Friday was all about Migrant Songs from South Africa.
If you are looking for some other great reads/finds this weekend, definitely check these out:
- The 3rd issue of Lonny Magazine is out so that's a whole lotta fun right there
- I'm absolutely positively in love with these vintage fabrics by Kmel
- Canadian singer Meaghan Smith who has an amazing voice and her songs take you straight back to the 1920s, 30s and 40s while still feeling modern. I especially love the song Drifted Apart, I Know and her newest video for Here Comes Your Man (be warned, her videos are all quite silly, but the songs are really good)
- For all you brides-to-be, you will definitely want to check out this contest over at Wedding Nouveau for wedding favors by Beau-Coup
- A friend and I have had this running joke about L.L.Bean for the past few weeks (the kinda joke where you are partly like "what kind of world is this that they are selling?!?!" and secretly like "ummm, I kinda wanna be in said world") so this post by Chelsea over at {frolic} about their Signature Collection and this marketing video fed straight into my "I love Maine" obsession (I've written several posts about this back in 2008) and confirmed that I will definitely be heading to Maine sometime this summer!
I'm heading abroad next week and I am getting really excited so tune in next week to find out where I'm headed!
:: Have a great weekend ::
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