

Art Scene: A Fulbright in Ghana

Waiting on Sunday Jollof

Back in my academia days, I had fantasies of getting a Fulbright, going somewhere far away and doing research on something super serious like HIV/AIDS research. Fast-forward a bunch of years and now, if I were lucky enough to have THE MAN (Uncle Sam that is) pay for me to go somewhere, I would definitely choose the path of Massachusetts native Andrea Bergart. Andrea used her Fulbright to explore the textile and beading industries in Ghana. She got to work with one of the leading textile companies in Ghana - Akosombo Textiles Limited - and designed textiles now being sold in marketplaces around both Ghana and Nigeria. As if that opportunity alone wasn't amazing enough, she also got to teach creative arts to primary school students and work with communities to create murals.
Quilting with Amequa

Kente 4

These are a few pieces that Andrea designed during her time in Ghana. You can check out her website to see even more of her artwork, here for her bead work, and definitely check out this video to hear more about her experience.

Needless to say, I'm definitely going to have to re-look into this Fulbright business!!

{Photos: Andrea Bergart}

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