Hi Everyone. Feels like I've been away forever when in fact I actually been home, bed ridden with a cold since late last week. I'm finally turning the corner back to health, but there was a whole lot of sleeping, doing nothing, thinking, netflixing, hulu-ing, etc. happening over the past few days. With new issues of House Beautiful and Elle Decor in hand, I was finally able to refresh my inspiration board and I even got around to painting some wall art for my living room.
One of the main things that I also got to think about is a change in the blogging topics you will find on the site....
One of the other things I had the time to do was think about this blogging space of ours (considering you are my more-than-welcomed guests everyday). I often struggle with my own expectations of this space and what I want it to be. Over the more than two years of writing and sharing in this space, I have shifted priorities as circumstances changed. The blog started out as a place for me to share my own experiences while living in Sudan (yeah - one full lifetime ago). Once I moved back to the U.S. I shifted the focus from my own experiences to more creative inspirations from throughout the continent, setting up a regular blogging schedule with themes and more.
However as time continues to fly by, I find myself inspired by so many things that are happening around me and in my own life that I rarely get to share with you because they fit into the "has absolutely nothing to do with Africa" category of my life. I've considered started a new blog to catalog these things, but tossed out that idea given all that I now know about blogging. While pinterest has recently become an amazing outlet, it still doesn't feel the same as coming to a space like this and really focusing on one or two items and carefully sharing while I'm excited about that artist or product.
With that in mind, I've decided to break a little free of only focusing on things related to Africa and also share with you how I, as someone from the continent, see and experience the rest of the creative world. What does all this mean for you?!?! It means even more posts throughout the week! All the regular posts featuring creative talents from the continent and/or influenced by African cultures, etc. will continue to be featured in the mornings in the same format (photography on Mondays, design on Tuesdays, fashion on Wednesdays, art on Thursdays, and music on Fridays). BUT now, I will use the afternoons to expand a bit into other stuff that I find exciting and inspiring from everywhere.
After spending so much time being very focused on sticking to only topics that were directly linked to the continent, I have to admit that I'm a little nervous about this....but we'll see how it goes and you just continue to send in your awesome feedback!
{Photos: Brandie}
Perfectly done. Can't wait to see the new B posts!!
doooooooooooooo iiiiiiiiiiit!
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