I can't believe I forgot to tell you this on Monday! So last Friday, I took half the day off from work and literally I didn't know what to do with myself! The weather was so perfect (mid-70s) that the only thing I knew for sure was that I wanted to be outside as long as possible. I had taken my camera (both Nikon point and shoot as well Nikon FM10 manual) because I knew that I wanted to walk around and get some shots.
After passing the Mall and not being particularly inspired, I continued down my road home. When I got to an intersection, I had a choice between continuing forward or making a slight detour and going to the Botanical Gardens. The pictures obviously show which path I chose and it was wonderful.
The best part of the whole experience was that it was all 100% FREE. I literally walked through the main entrance and there was no counter to stop by, no guards asking for proof that I had paid, nothing....I just walked straight in and got to enjoy all this loveliness. I love days off and public spaces!!
Now if only my plants would take a hint and grow!!
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