
Through the Lens: JR

From building walls in Monrovia, to rooftops in the slums of Kibera, Nairobi, back up to the sides of buses in Sierra Leone, and even to the protest ravaged coastlines of Tunisia, photographer/artist JR has an amazing talent for taking art and photography out of the halls of galleries and museums or even cool chic residences, and literally bringing it to the masses!

JR takes imagines of local people from each neighbor and then proceeds to put those very images back into the community, either on stairs, wrapping around entire bridges (as he did in Paris), or other public places. His photography transforms into something completely interactive between the subject and the observer allow art to become a physical part of day-to-day existence during the period of display.

{Photos: JR}

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A shame i can't easily reblog/fb/tweet posts from this site