Well - another week is off to a roaring start. Ok - not so roaring as I can promise you I'd still prefer to be in dreamland right now, but the week has started regardless of how I feel about it. Anyway...how was your weekend? Mine was kinda exhausting but I also got to spend time with my mom, sister and several aunts and tons of cousins which was great. In addition, the weather in D.C. was in the 70s on Sunday which alone makes everything better (albeit a little scary as global warming sends us another little reminder).
Anyway, those of you who visit on the weekends will have already notice one big change in the header of the blog. I was a little tired of the collage from so many months ago and wanted something a bit more calm yet elegant. Looking through some old photos that I took in Kenya a few years ago, this one really stood out to me for the first time. The calm wide open space, the ending (or beginning) of a day all just felt very right to me! There is still so much that I need to do to tighten up look of the blog, but I'll eventually get there.
If you look to the right, you'll also see a new Flickr badge and that's because I finally opened a Flickr account of my very own. I see so many talented photographers on the site that I admit to being a little intimidated considering my very amateur status, but what is there to do but bite the bullet and carry on? I really have been enjoying this time with my Nikon and Polaroid so why not share? I've put on some of the pictures that stand out to me that I've taken recently. It's also exciting because I now have a place to put all these pictures (ok, only the good ones) that I'm taking more and more frequently.
AND, I finally updated my blog roll! I can't tell you how long I've been procrastinating with this so it's great to finally get it done. I read so many fantastic blogs every day that it's great to share all that goodness with you!
SOOO....please tell me what you think of the new header and definitely head over to my flickr site and take a look at what I've been snapping away at!
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