Ahhh - another week has come and gone and while there were definitely moments that felt like a pure drag, life certainly threw me some happy threats this week including running my longest run to date (it wasn't thaaaat long, but I'm still proud)! How was the week for you?
If you didn't get a chance to catch each and every post on the blog this week, fear not as they are all still here! I started off on Tuesday (since Monday was a holiday here) with a little Baby Loveand had some Design Inspiration. Wednesday was inspiration galore starting with some Alek, some Vintage Style courtesy of Chew Magazine and ending with a threat from Ugandan in the form of African Woman. Painter (and entrepreneur) Babatola lit up Art Scene with his amazing work that I came across in Chapel and of course you already know that Bridgette Amofah has me dancing straight into the weekend.

A few other things that gripped my attention this week included:
- Haitian-American fashion label - Miss Bruno....a total YES, I want every single item you sell kinda label!
- I was also meant to discover Alabama native Peter Bradley Adams. Seriously, his music - very folksy-Americana - is so beautiful I can't help playing on constant rotation. The love was sealed when I was watching my new fav TV show and there he was singing the last song of the episode!
- There was all the good designer stuff coming out of New York Fashion Week.
- One of my favorite Aussie bloggers Natalie over at Daily Imprint, has been hammering it out everyday this week with one great interview after the other!
- If you are in DC, you totally have to check out Sâuçá! It's the equivalent of street from from around the world and it's sooo good I could barely stand it. They travel around the city in a truck and tweet their location. They just started a few weeks ago and I hope they never stop!
:: Have a great weekend ::
{Photos: Miss Bruno, Kim Gray}
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