
Flickr Finds Africa: Week 05.24.10

This weekend I tried out a new toy (also known as iPhone app) and I'm on cloud 9! I'm so in love with Hipstamatic! It literally makes every image look so cool and retro! Hipstamatic were real toy cameras built back in 1982 by brothers Bruce and Winston Dorbowski. The production life was really short (a mere two years), but oh how this little app has given their project such new life! This entire weekend I was flipping from using my ShakeIt app, Hipstamatic, plus my regular Nikon camera. Seriously, how awesome is photography?!?!

Anywho..here is a collection of Hipstamatic images taken throughout Africa that I have found on Flickr. From Kenya, to South Africa, Morocco, Egypt, and Seychelles...I hope you enjoy the view....

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