Welcome to a whole new week here on Out and About Africa! How was your weekend? I had a great two days. Saturday included running a few errands in the morning plus repainting my room into something so fabulous I can barely wait to share it with you tomorrow! Sunday was the way all Sunday's should be - a trip to the farmer's market, an early brunch with a friend at this awesome little restaurant in Mt. Pleasant (a neighborhood I definitely need to explore more), picking up a bunch of gorgeous sunflowers, a few hours on my patio reading a book before the mosquitos could begin their night fiesta, a nice chat with a friend in Israel (remind of what life was like before Skype?!?), and a delicious salad with warm nutty bread for dinner! Ahhh...if only the fun didn't have to end....

But since it does a little photography is a good way to start the week. I discovered the work of John Kenny a few months ago when I was working on Benin week and one of his images caught my attention (here). At the time I didn't look at all his work, but a few days ago, he popped back into my mind and I finally had a chance to explore his portfolio and I can honestly say his portraits leave me speechless! They are so intense I feel like it's a struggle to pull my attention away from each image.

This British photographer has a serious passion for capturing the beauty of remote communities throughout Africa and I feel like his love of the continent and it's people shine through in his work. He has several upcoming trips to Namibia, Ethiopia and Sudan so I can't wait to see his next collection. Until then, here is a tiny sample of his work. You can find a lot more here on his site.

The 1st one is stunning.
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