I know that the arrival of rains in some places hardly warrants any commentary, however in Sudan (and I'm sure other parts of the world) the arrival of rain is a HUGE deal! Today was our first torrential downpour in Kapoeta after MONTHS of just hot, dry, and dusty days and it was really exciting. Ok, let me be clear - it was exciting for me; I'm sure someone out there is weeping.
While rain is nice for the farmer that wants crops to grow, it basically sucks in my line of work (basically construction related projects) because all activities come to a full stop when it rains. In fact, this very morning I was speaking with a contractor and trying to put the fear of God in him that if he doesn't get his equipment in and out of one of our sites and start drilling boreholes like yesterday, they will be stuck there until the ground dries again in November! The worse part is that I'm not even kidding! I've seen trucks abandoned and buried mud or just swept away in a river (see picture below)! Even the road to my compound is horrible (despite efforts to repair it) and last rainy season there were times when I was literally suck within the compound because the cars couldn't go out.
So while I'm happy for cool relief of this first downpour....know that my rainboots are trembling with fear!

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